Fax and other poems

Rody Gorman


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A Bilingual Gaelic/English Edition.

Rody Gorman was born in Dublin, Ireland in 1960 and now lives on the Isle of Skye, where he works as creative writing tutor and lecturer, and edits the annual Irish/Scottish poetry journal An Guth. He writes in both Irish and Scottish Gaelic and translates into and between those languages, and his own poetry has been translated into many languages. He has been a writing fellow at Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, convenor of the Translation and Linguistic Rights Committee of Scottish PEN, and served on various other bodies, and received bursaries from the Scottish Arts Council and the Royal Literary Fund, among others.

His first poetry collection was Fax and Other Poems (Polygon, 1996), and his selected poems in Irish and Scottish Gaelic, Chernilo, was published by Coiscéim in 2006.

Anns a’ chruinneachadh seo den a’ bhàrdachd aig Rody Gorman, tha measgachadh de smaointean domhainn agus smaointean èibhinn. Tha na dàin a’ gluasad eadar cuspairean gu grinn – bho innealan-facs agus brògan gu call na Gàidhlig agus dealachadh, agus, gu nàdarra, an gaol. Tha an leabhar seo a’ cur ris a’ bheachd gur e Gorman aon de na bàird Ghàidhlig as fheàrr san latha an-diugh.



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